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Private Fitness Training - 8 Weeks Repeat

Price: $300.00

Item Description

Time... knowledge... boredom... and laziness.
These are the most common excuses for not getting the workouts done that work for your body.
Want in on a secret? Even trainers have trainers. Why? Because even though we know what to do... it's still more beneficial and effective to have someone tell us what to do. Someone to create workouts based on our goals and not the exercises we like.
If you're tired of going through the motions of working out without results, then maybe it's time we worked together.

My passion for women's health and strength goes beyond group training and packaged programs. Because I know sometimes, people need more. They need individual guidance to hit individual goals.

With my 1-on-1 fitness training, we'll work together to create an 8 week fitness program that starts where you are today and progresses you to where you can be in 8 weeks. Get coached on proper form, balanced workouts, and motivational pep talks.

Discover the exercises that work and the ones that are a waste. Learn the format of training that works best for your body and doesn't have you sweating for hours every day.
But most importantly, have an experienced personal trainer working with you to ensure you're safely getting the effective workouts you need. Anyone can workout... but there is such a thing as a bad workout and no one wants to waste their time doing workouts that aren't producing results.

No more bad workouts. And no more workouts that neglect essential elements. We'll focus on strength, mobility, and endurance to cover the 3 most important faucets of fitness for longevity and improved confidence.
I create custom workouts for you and your goals.
If you're…
Tired of trying to hold yourself accountable.
Tired of setting start dates that never start.
Tired of working out but not seeing results.
Tired of trying a different program every month.
Tired of not know what your body needs…
Then I’m here for you!
Not only do you get a 100% tailored fitness plan designed FOR YOU (not a cookie program), but we'll talk to discuss what you have access to, how much time you have and more to come up with the plan that FITS your life.
Here's what you and I will do together to help you achieve the results...
Get 8 weeks of personal coaching to workout differently, be inspired to start and finish something that you’ve felt so weak and helpless with in the past with a personalized program created FOR YOU based on goals, timeline, lifestyle and more…
1. 45-60 minute face-to-face talk.
We will sit down (or over the phone) together to talk goals, barriers/struggles, what's worked in the past, what hasn't worked, etc and set up a timeline and plan. I'll take the information and create a personalized plan for you that includes weekly workouts and check ins.
2. Weekly and even DAILY checkins via email and What's App.
We'll chat how the week went, obstacles you faced, if we need to make any tweaks to your plan, etc. Every single week, you can count on me to be in your inbox! If we need to schedule a face to face, that can happen too.
3. Full access.
You’ll have access to me via text and/or email. At the gym and not sure how to do an exercise? I'll try my best to be available to help you! Feeling a little run down and need a pick me up talk? I got you, boo!
4. Additional coaching food guides.
PDF guide of food substitutes, protein suggestions, healthy carbs ideas to add variety to your diet and more!
5. Commitment.
Before we begin, you’ll even commit yourself by signing a contract personally committing for the next 8 weeks, and I'll sign as well. We are in this together.
6. And more. This is about helping YOU hit your goals through expert coaching, supportive teamwork, and step by step guidance.
To get the personalized coaching you deserve (and I keep my sanity), I can only take a limited amount of private clients on at a time.
Once you sign up, you’ll receive an email within 24 hours from me on how to schedule our talk and with a survey so I can get to know more about you and set up some preliminary numbers for the meeting.
Your 8 weeks begins the day of our consult talk.
Note... I am a not a doctor or licensed nutritionist. Always consult a doctor before undergoing dietary changes. I am a certified NASM Nutrition Coach, NASM certified personal trainer, NASM weight loss specialist, and a NASM women's fitness specialist.